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Australia's first Submarines AE1 & AE2
Early 2015 a group of IANTD divers travelled to Kokopo Papua New Guinea to investigate the loss of Australia's first E Class submarine.Last seen a hundred years ago near the Duke Of York Islands on 14/9/14 by HMAS Parramatta, the AE1 failed to return to port .Many searches have been made with no result. IANTD used Kokopo as a base to launch a fresh search for the AE1.With the support of one of our facilities Kabaira Dive &Tours ,the use of their dive boats was invaluable. With a dedicated group of IANTD Qualified Trimix Divers it is now possible to confirm a wrecks identity within a 100 meter depth range . The map shows some possible routes she may have taken . Using the latest in marine search technology the wreck was not located in the depth range 0-100 meters.We understand this will be no easy feat so a permanent base will be set up for on going research between Rabaul and Kokopo.It is planned to return to Rabaul in the dry season July, to resume searching in the depth range of 100-300m with the aid of an ROV.
Further news on 20/12/17 103 years on the AE1 has been found by a team funded by the federal government .The wreck is at a depth of approximately 1000 meters ."The boat and her crew, who've been on eternal patrol since 1914 … have now been found.

"I truly trust that this discovery will bring peace of mind to the descendants of the families of the crew who lost their lives on board and perhaps in time it may also enable us to discover what caused the submarine to sink."

The submarine was the first of its kind for the Australian fleet and was 55 metres long.

"For the Navy, it demonstrates the persistence of a view that fellow mariners always have and that is, we always seek to locate and find where those who sacrificed so much for their country actually laid at rest," Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Timothy Barrett said.

The previous searches helped to narrow down where the wreck might be and improvements in technology helped discover the final locations.

A deep drop camera allowed the search party to confirm they had found the missing submarine.

"The final confirmation in this particular case, having found an image on the seabed, was to put a camera down alongside that wreck and actually be able to determine that it had the features that we say belonged to AE1," Vice Admiral Barrett said.

In other news in June 2023 IANTD Australasia members and divers have dived the historic wreck of the Australian Submarine AE2 sister ship of the AE1 and Battleship HMS Majestic. Various other WW1 wrecks around the Gallipoli Peninsula were also dived. In conjunction with Australian DFAT and the Turkish consulate IANTD Australasia's representative Instructor Trainer Mark Ryan ,Instructor Chris Edwards are working normalize Technical Diving in that region offering support and Training. In September the Turkish Government has big News with regard to Diving in their waters. Please contact us via email for further information.

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