1/270 Lower Dandenong Rd Mordialloc, VIC Australia, 3195
Contact: Mark Ryan Instructor Trainer
Phone: +61-3-419881298
Fax: +61-3-9587-1811
Email: mark@aquability.com.au
Website: www.aquability.com.au
Comments:Aquability is your complete dive shop, we train divers from Open Water to Technical Trimix diver level and now offer JJ CCR and Kiss Closed Circuit Rebreather training . Gas blending courses are also available.
As the largest provider of mixed gases in Victoria, we can provide a full range of air fills, nitrox & trimix. We also have a full equipment service centre including scuba tank hydrostatic testing to ensure your tank is always in current test. Our retail shop is second to none providing for everyone from the Snorkeler through to Trimix divers. Aquabilities range of dive computers from Sunto to Shearwater have guaranteed support. Our staff are out diving every weekend at the Ships Graveyard & on our world famous Lonsdale Wall on OC and CCR. We also provide both local & international travel to the Pacific ,Asia and Europe.
Our close association with organisations like Heritage Victoria, MAAV and Southern Ocean Exploration is what brings us to the fore in Wreck & Technical diving in Victoria.
As a Platinum facility our Training rating is the highest recognition for training, service and professionalism available in SCUBA and CCR diving.
With a qualified Instructor Trainer and Instructors we provide courses to expand your professional diving career whether it be Open Water Instructor through to Trimix Instructor. We are pleased to advise we now offer DPV training on your scooter.
Upcoming Course Dates please call shop on 0419881298
- Please Contact shop For details
- Advanced Nitrox Course PH 0419881298
Blue Lagoon Dive Shop - Chuuk
Weno Federated States of Micronesia Chuuk, FSM Chuuk Lagoon, 96942
Contact: Isiro Aisek
Phone: +691 3302727
Fax: +691 330 2439
Email: BLResort@mail.fmbluelagoondiveresort.com
Website: www.bluelagoondiveresort.com
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details IANTD Australasia for Training
Coral Divers
Shop 7, 63 Winnellie Rd Winnellie, NT Australia, 0820
Contact: Suzie Lack / Sash Muller
Phone: +61-8-8947-4525
Fax: +61-8-8947-5421
Email: coraldivers@bigpond.com
Website: www.coraldivers.com.au
Comments: Coral Divers was the longest serving IANTD Diver Training Facility in the Northern Territory. Please contact IANTD for any enquiries regarding past certifications .IANTD has independent instructors in the NT to cater for your diving needs .
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details
Tasmania Pine Tank Lodge SA Australia,
Contact: Grant Pearce
Phone: +61 438 833 103
Email: aquifertec.com.au
Website: www.aquifertec.com.au
Comments: Professional development centre. | | Rebreathers | Technical Diving | Sidemount | KISS CCR | Cave Diving | Scurion Cave lights | Shearwater Computers.Aquifertec offers CCR IANTD courses, and is a Silver Rated facility with an experienced and certified team led by Grant a longstanding IANTD Instructor.
Pine Tank Lodge IANTD,
Kiss Rebreathers Australia,
IANTD CCR Training.
Shearwater Computers,
Scurion Cave Lights Australasia,
Black Pearl Drysuits Australasia,
SANTI Drysuits.
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details
Grant at our website
Kabaira Dive |
Kabaira Dive Rabaul PNG
Rabaul Kokopo Rd Rabaul, East New Britain Papua New Guinea ,
Contact: Marsha Woolcott
Phone:675 71916830
Email: enquiries@kabairadive.com.pgenquiries@kabairadive.com.pg
Website: www.rapopo/diving.com.pg
Comments: The dive shop in East New Britain for all your diving needs. We pride ourselves in providing excellent training . In conjunction with IANTD Australia we provide training in all aspects of SCUBA from Snorkeling to Open Water Diver .We are the only facility to offer IANTD training with local Instructors and Divemasters who have an excellent knowledge of Rabaul's waters.We also offer accommodation close to dive the many reef,wall dives and numerous World War two wrecks in and around Simpson Harbor .For more details please contact us .
Upcoming Course Dates please contact shop
- Please contact for details
New Zealand Sea Adventures
9 Marina View, Mana Porirua, Wellington New Zealand,5026
Contact: Tony Howell
Phone: 04 2338238
Fax: 04 2339580
Email: tony@scubadiving.co.nztony@scubadiving.co.nz
Website: www.scubadiving.co.nz
Comments: The store for all your diving needs. We are based at 9 Marina view, Mana, Porirua, Wellington. The first left as you come over the Paremata bridge when heading north. Our staff are friendly, passionate and excited about diving and we welcome you to come in, have a coffee, chat about diving and we will help you with whatever direction you wish to take with diving.
Upcoming Course Dates please contact shop
- Please contact for details
Professional Diving Services
2 Sonia St Carrum Downs, VIC Australia, 3201
Contact: Malcolm Venturoni
Phone: +61-3-97750998
Fax: +61-3-97751758
Email: melbourne@profdivers.com.
Website: www.profdivers.com
Comments: Professional Diving Service has been operating in Portland and Melbourne since 1981,and now Albury NSW.Our staff has an array of commercial diving experience to offer.
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details of recreational programs and commercial dive courses via office
Professional Diving Services
274 Townsend St Albury, NSW Australia, 2640
Contact: Rick Austin
Phone: +61-2-60411405
Fax: +61-3-60216732
Email: albury@profdivers.com.
Website: www.profdivers.com
Comments: Professional Diving Service has been operating in Portland and Melbourne since 1981,and now Albury NSW.Our staff has an array of commercial diving experience to offer.
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details of recreational programs and course dates
Southern Cross Divers
Goolwa, , South Australia, Australia, 5214
Contact: Barry Hallett
Phone: +61-0409116689
Fax: +61-
Email: barrys@southerncrossdivers.com.au
Website: www.southerncrossdivers.com.au
Comments:With over 30 years experience Southern Cross Divers is the total rebreather store , specializing in all types of rebreathers and open circuit diving and training. Based in Goolwa Sth Australia .We have our own charter vessel, Operating 6 days a week from Wirrina boat Harbour with Mondays being closed. We offer weekend dive boat trips with a diver lift to the HMAS Hobart .The ex HMAS Hobart was a Charles F. Adams class guided missile destroyer in the Royal Australia Navy (DDG 39), built in the United States of America and commissioned in 1965 in Boston. The vessel completed three tours of duty off Vietnam and in 1968, two sailors lost their lives and seven others were injured after the vessel was hit by “friendly” fire. The Hobart was sunk in November 2002 as an artificial reef and lies in 30 metres of water approximately 4 kms off Rapid Bay. Access is by boat from Wirrina boat ramp and a permit system applies. . Barry is one of the founding members of IANTD in Australia and as an ITT can offer all aspects of Professional diver training. From Open water to Trimix Instructor in Open circuit or Rebreathers to Gas Blending EANX or Trimix.
Upcoming Course Dates please contact Barry on 0409116689
- Please contact for details
Southern Tasmanian Divers
6/38 Mertonvale Circuit Kingston, Tas Australia, 7051
Contact: Andrew Tabor
Phone: +61-3-62291020
Fax: +61-3-62084034
Email: info@southerntasdivers.com.au
Website: www.southerntasdivers.com.au
Comments: Southern Tasmanian Divers offers a full range of servicing and fills for all your diving needs .
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details of Technical programs and Instructor Training
Tech Dive Academy
PO Box 81 Port Douglas Qld Port Douglas, Qld Australia, 4877
Contact: Mark Miller
Phone: +61-3-0730401699
Fax: +61-3-0730401699
Email: info@tech-dive-academy.com
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details
Adelaide Scuba Pty Ltd
Patawalonga Frontage, Glenelg North SA
(08) 8294 7744 Australia, 5045
Contact: Shop
Phone: +61-8-8294 7744
Fax: +61-8-
Email: diving@adelaidescuba.com.au
Website: www.adelaidescuba.com.au
Upcoming Course Dates
- Please contact for details